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Enabling physical spaces to Identify, Engage, and Sell to their visitors.

Our grab-and-go mobile charger kiosks equip businesses with the ability to better understand their visitors, increase customer engagement and provide a great customer experience.

Get your BatteryXchange kiosk today

BatteryXchange provides a network of on-demand, mobile charging kiosks that allow brick-and-mortar businesses to better understand - and engage with - their visitors. 


Our kiosks and mobile application allow businesses to advertise to their visitors and obtain key identifiers such as age, ethnicity, and gender through the battery rental process.

How we enhance your customer experience


Beyond unlocking the ability to advertise and identify who your visitors are, BatteryXchange kiosks also:


  1. Provides an additional amenity for your visitors

  2. Drives new in-bound traffic to your location via the BatteryXchange mobile app

  3. Incentivizes visitors to stay longer, spend more and return again in the future

How the BatteryXchange experience works

  1. Users download the BatteryXchange app from the Apple or Google Play store

  2. They create an account in just a few clicks

  3. They find a nearby kiosk with the in-app map and are directed to your location

  4. They visit the kiosk and scan a QR code to retrieve a FREE battery for up to 24 hours

  5. When they are done charging, users return the mobile battery to any kiosk in our network

Who we serve

Healthcare Systems



Entertainment venues 
(Sports stadiums, Casinos, Performance halls, etc.


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